Copyright protects the expression of an idea [work] that can materialize in the content of a book, in the lyrics and / or music of a song, in a painting, in a photograph, in a drawing, in a sculpture, in an audiovisual recording, in a computer program, and in other similar works without the need for any registration.
We recommend requesting the registration of the work for the recognition of its moral and patrimonial rights, the first that is linked to the author, inalienable, imprescriptible, inalienable and unteachable, and the second in force during the author's life and one hundred years after dead.
Reserves of rights
The reservation of rights is the right of exclusive use of titles of publications or periodical broadcasts, names or denominations of people or groups dedicated to artistic activities, names and distinctive physical and psychological characteristics of characters, both human, fictitious or symbolic characterization, promotions advertising.
The validity of the registration of the reservation of rights granted to titles of periodical publications or broadcasts is one year renewable for periods of the same duration; of the reservation of rights of names or denominations of persons or groups dedicated to artistic activities, names and distinctive physical and psychological characteristics of characters, both human in character and fictitious or symbolic, is for five years renewable for periods of the same duration; and advertising promotions are for five years, which at the end of their validity are in the public domain.